December 26, 2009

secret fairy..

"I am love" Painting by Nevin Hirik Acrylic on Linen 168 x 122 cm Private Collection

M e r r y C h r i s t m a s a n d H a p p y N e w Y e a r !

I h o p e a l l y o u r d re a m s c o m e t r u e . .

December 3, 2009


Painting by Nevin Hirik "vision" Acrylic on linen 122 x 130 cm Private Collection

November 27, 2009


Painting by Nevin Hirik "Anguish" 2007 Acrylic on linen 107 x 84 cm Private Collection

November 23, 2009

all we need is love ..

Painting by Nevin Hirik " all we need is love ..." Acrylic on linen 110 x 110 cm Private Collection

"Bir insani sevmekle baslayacak hersey.." Sait Faik

November 18, 2009

On the Road series

Painting by Nevin Hirik "On the Road" series Acrylic on linen 110 x 110 cm Private Collection


November 14, 2009

I'll find a way to see you again..

Painting by Nevin Hirik "I'll find a way to see you again I" 2005 Acrylic on linen Private Collection

Painting by Nevin Hirik "I'll find a way to see you again II" 2005 Acrylic on linen Private Collection

November 5, 2009

Forgotten necklace series

Painting by Nevin Hirik "Forgotten necklace series" 2006 Acrylic on linen 110 x 110 cm Private Collection

November 3, 2009

Peace is Love

Dreaming Peace can not be a crime!
As an Artist I support Peace for Art Project
Nevin Hirik "Peace is Love" 2003 Acrylic on linen /Private Collection

October 25, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Karma" Acrylic on Italian linen 110 x 110 cm Private collection

October 18, 2009


I j u s t b a c k f r o m t r a v e l l i n g . . .

Nevin Hirik "Traveller" Acrylic on Italian linen 92 x 122 cm Private collection

Hagia Sophia Istanbul, Turkey, photograph by nevin hirik

August 16, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Remember" 2009 Acrylic on Italian linen 110 x 110 cm Private collection

“For me painting is the key to my secret garden. When you are in, you are part of my garden; it is also your garden. It is all about sharing the stories; life, memories, fun, happiness, tears, souls. My story, your story, our story..

Lovers, winners, losers, history, moving, tears, parting, happiness, surviving, welcoming, sharing, new life, family, friends, innocents, guilt, pure, mistakes, silence, beauty, beauty of the souls, drea
ms…lots of dreams....Dreams to Remember.” Nevin Hirik 2009


32 The Parade Norwood
South Australia 5067
Ph: +61 8 8363 0806

August 7, 2009

Mother, where are you?

Nevin Hirik "Mother, where are you?" 81 x 81 cm Acrylic on linen Private Collection

August 2, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Silence is everywhere"2008 Acrylic on linen 81 cm x 162 cm (Diptych) Private Collection

July 30, 2009

Dreams To Remember...

Nevin Hirik "Dreams To Remember II" 2009 Acrylic on linen 110 x 110 cm Private Collection

July 23, 2009

Theme of the Uprooting

Nevin Hirik "Theme of the Uprooting I" 2006 Acrylic on linen 112 x 168 cm

Nevin Hirik "Theme of the Uprooting II" 2006 Acrylic on linen 112 x 168 cm

(On the Road series)

July 20, 2009

Le Amore Perduto

Nevin Hirik "Le Amore Perduto" 2006 Acrylic on Linen 168 x 112 cm

July 17, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Sisters" 2007 Acrylic on Linen Private Collection

July 14, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Pray" 2008 Acrylic on linen 81 x 81 cm Private collection

July 12, 2009


Nevin Hirik "two" 2003 Acrylic on linen 122 x 130 cm Private Collection

July 7, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Silence II" 2006 Acrylic on linen 168 x 112 cm Private Collection

July 2, 2009

2 temmuz

"unutmak tekrar tekrar yanmaktir " Acrylic on canvas 2004 (Nevin Hirik,Far away series) Private Collection

May 25, 2009


Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying VII" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen Private Collection

Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying VI" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen Private Collection

Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying I" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen

Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying II" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen

Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying III" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen Private Collection

Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying IV" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen

Nevin Hirik "Angels were Crying V" 168 x 168 cm Acrylic on Linen

mum, dad, sisters


"Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time and once more hear your voice; I'd tell you that out of all the dads you would still be my choice." by Judy Burnette
