August 7, 2009

Mother, where are you?

Nevin Hirik "Mother, where are you?" 81 x 81 cm Acrylic on linen Private Collection


David Toms said...

Just noticed you started following my blog! Thanks.

Your paintings are just wonderful. I love them.

Magdalena said...

My favorit colours in your beautiful paintings...i love them!
Take care
Magdalena at Color Sepia


I learned about the death of my grandmother and my father, who was a very talented painter himself, just a few days ago and these 2 paintings in particular really touched me.
Just wanted to say thank you Nevin.

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Nevin
I do love your 'women'. But your darker pieces draw me in everytime... Maybe it is just my mood at present...lovely.. x Julie

debra@dustjacket said...

Wow, the contrasts are so beautiful, just gorgeous Nevin my dear :o

Suzan said...


ne kadar yorgun oldugunu tahmin edebiliyorum. Sana Adelaide 'daki serginde basarilar diliyorum. Orda olmak ne kadar isterdim. Eminim muhtesem bir sergi olacak. Senin resimlerinin oldugu her yer guzellesir. Hele sende ordaysan :)

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

What amazing colors! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Firstly thank you for stopping by my blogg to share your time...Secondly, I really like your work it is so original, so talented.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Gorgeous. I'm really moved by the first one!

beste said...

resimleriniz cok cok guzel, iyiki not biraktiniz bana yoksa hep bir yanim eksik olacak resimlerinizden bihaber olacaktim...karanliklari da icinde umuduyla diger resimleri de cok sevdim, harkuladeler:)